A blog by MOM

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I Heart Faces- Sun Flare entry

I went back and forth with what entry to enter at I Heart Faces for the sun flare and I decided on this one of a father and son that I took during their family photo shoot. They happened to be friends of ours too. I love the natural laugh they both have. Don't ask me what they were giggling about because I don't remember. LOL I got sun flare in the photo and wasn't really wanting to but I was pleased when I saw it. Anyway, here it is! I am sure it's not a winner but I liked it!! :)


Friday, October 2, 2009

Constructive Feedback Friday

Today at I Heart Faces they are not doing their regular Fix IT Friday but letting us post a photo for the more expereinced ones critique our edits. I am defintely learning this whole Photoshop editing thing so I would love some feedback. I chose this photo of my son and daughter walking in the yard. I just love it! They love each other so much and my son ,RJ, is such a good big brother to his littel sister Maddyn! I love the hand on her back and I love the simple little thing of seeing their backs of one of their feet each as they walk.
Here is the original:

here is my edit:

Do you like the black and white? Should I crop it somehow? Do you like the burnt edges? Any thoughts are appreciated?


Monday, September 14, 2009

I heart Faces- Contemplation entry

This week at I Heart Faces, is the theme Contemplation. I chose this picture of my daughter Maddyn I just took a few days ago. I had got one of my new lenses (24mm-70mm f2.8 Lseries canon lense! YAY!) and so I put my daughter in s cute tutu and headband I got form Walmart(yep walmart..so cute-can't really see it in this picture) and took her outside  in our yard for some photos. I love this one because she is just studying this flower intently. I love this toddler age. Everything is so interesting to them and so new. Anyway, thanks for looking and if you want to see other great photos, go to I Heart Faces
Here are some other photos from this shoot in case you would like to see. :)
My Son RJ
Thanks for looking!!


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fix it Friday Sept 11

What a beautiful baby face we all get to play around with this week. I could so squeeze those cheeks! thanks for letting us use it!

I haven't posted anything to I Heart Faces in so long!

Here is the original

here is my first post

I kind of gave it a vintage look I guess. I applied two actions from Pioneer Woman. First I used Fresh and colorful and adjusted the opacity of the layers a bit and then I applied the PW Black and white. I didn't flatten the image first. the Light layer was highlighted and I just applied the Black and White action then adn this is what it came out as.

My second one is this:
I applied a simple intensify action from Itty Bitty 52 action set and then popped the eyes with coffee shop Eye Bright.

My last one is this:
I belive that I took the one above and popped the color again and then applied a b&w action to it without flattening it first. It's almost 1 am and I should be in bed and right now , I can't remember exactly what I did to this one!!! LOL
See some other GREAT fixes at I Heart Faces!


Monday, July 27, 2009

I Heart Faces- At the Beach entry

Well, we dont have a beach anywear near us really....not a big one anyway. This past weekend we went camping at Jellystone Park near by our home and they had a small lake with a beach. I know this picture won't win but I am entering it anyway. :) It really shows off the goofy personality of my son, R.J. He is always a ham for the camera! Come check out the other great photos at I Heart Faces !!!


Friday, July 24, 2009

Fix It Friday- I HEART FACES JULY 24

Here is my attempt at Fix it Friday. The above picture is the original. What a handsome kid!

Thanks for letting us all play around with it at I Heart Faces !!

Here is my edit. I cropped it just a bit and then applied the action Coffee Shop Honey Retro. After that I added aa slight burn on the edges. That's pretty much it! Thanks for looking! Check out the rest of the fixes by clicking the link above or the button!!


Sunday, July 19, 2009

I Heart Faces FEET

I haven't entered a picture in the I Heart Faces contests in a long time and when I saw this weeks theme, I HAD to enter. Here is my entry. It my friend Marna's children. I took their family photos last week and I saw the kids sitting here and had to take this feet picture. I love it!
go on over to I HEART FACES for some other outstanding feet photos!!!
Click on my feet photo if you want to see it a little bigger :)

here are some other pics from that photo shoot. :)


Hi ! Haven't posted in a while

SO we have been busy here lately! I will try and give a quick update on us and what we have been doing.:)

RJ- he is now a Kindergarten grad!! WOOHOO!!! He did awesome in school and we couldn't be prouder. He did Letchworth Splash all year and has come so far in his swimming. He also has taken Tae Qwon Doe and likes that as well. There is a break from that right now but will start up again in the fall. Right now it is summer soccer. He likes that a lot too!! RJ will be heading to a day camp at Beaver Meadows for a week and he is really excited! He will get to be outside and learn all about nature and that includes ANIMALS! His favorite thing! He has been busy hunting for toads while at summer rec and his coach/rec teacher calls him "the great white Frog hunter"! He is having a ton of fun even though our weather has pretty much stunk this whole summer. Rainy and chilly for July that is for sure. He will be going to MI for a couple of weeks to see his father nad family there. We will miss him but he should have a good time. The yare having an "RJ Bar-b- Que" while there (too cute) and going to cedar point! He will get to play with his awesome cousins Ben and Alex too!

Maddyn- ON the GO!! SHe is walking now and always wants to go! SHe is our angel baby and so much fun!!! We had her first b-day party at the lake and had a great time! SHe got such beautiful things. We are blessed towith a wonderful family and loving friends.
She hasn't liked the pool very much since it has been so darn cold. Maddyn is a super picky eater and it is very frustrating. I don't knw how she thrives... seriously!! Hopefully she will grow out of it and not be picky like her big brother!
She is saying some words too! Mama, Dada, Papa (said it once), hot, yes, ball....those are most of them. She is such a joy to watch grow but it's also sad at the same time.

Mark has been busy working but has some time off. He has a week off in July and we are going camping with the kids to Jellystone. Should be fun if the weather is nice. We are aslo going to be staying up at the lake in August when RJ is back from MI which is should be enjoyable and we are having friends stay a couple nights too.

I have been taking some family photos for friends here and there and everyone has been pleased. I am thinking of maybe trying to do it professionally but haven' taken the plunge yet. My lack of confidence is holding me back. We shall see......
Anyway, I am going to post some random pics ....thanks for reading and looking!!! Have a great summer in case I don't get on here to update!


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I Heart Faces- Kids Hats

Here is my entry for this week. The theme is HATS.
I chose this one of Maddyn wearing the sweater and hat that Grandma Blue made for her. We love the set and I always get compliments on it when she wears it. I always give credit to Grandma!!


Friday, May 1, 2009

Fix it Friday!! I Heart Faces

Here is my fix for Fix IT Friday at I Heart Faces!
First, here is the original

here is my first edit:I used photoshop to edit this cute pic of this little guy. I am not that great with PS but I try.
First I adjusted the levels a bit then contrast, color and saturation. Then I applied an action from Coffee Shop ( I follow that blog so there is a link to it at the bottom of my blog) called Perfect Portrait. I basically just hit play and watch it to it's thing. At the end I tweeked the curves just a little bit and that was it!

Here is a second edit
I didn't do too much here. I adjusted the curves a bit and then applied an action called Childish BW magic Medium. I then cropped it and that is it!
Check out some of the great "fixes" at I Heart Faces


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Alien Skin Bokeh Giveaway

If you haven't joined I Heart Faces, now is the time to do it. They have contests and giveaways all the time. This giveaway is awesome! It's for

Alien Skin Bokeh Giveaway

What is that you ask? It is a photo editing software and it is so cool! Go to I Heart Faces and find out!!!


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I Heart Faces- #16 Reflections

So here is another challenge/contest for the web blog I Heart Faces! It's such a fun site , especially for photog lovers like me! This week's contest is" reflections". I am sure I won't win with these entries but it's fun to participate just the same.
Here is my children entry. :)Maddyn kept looking at herself in the dishwasher and we would tell her to "kiss the baby"! So here she is kissing herself!!! Too cute!!!

I will enter an Adult entry when I figure out what I am going to do or I look through my 1000s of pics to find one I already have.
If you want to check out a TON of great pics...go to
I Heart Faces!!!
ok..here is my adult entry. I took this with my point and shoot today when I realized that my Canon XTI 's battery was dead.

thanks for looking!!!! Make sure you check out the other pics at I Heart Faces!!